1, Fish finder
How does one locate a carp? Some might think that is a silly question, because we have fish finders to locate a fish. Yes, it is easy to use a fish finder to locate a carp, but you will be even more successful if you know where to look and how to locate a carp without a fishfinder
2, Bubbles on the top of the water
If bubbles are moving and not staying in one place, there is a great chance that there is a carp feeding under the water. But if the bubbles stay in one place and are constant for several minutes, then it is likely that there are no fish at all.
3, Look for carp crashing on the surface
4, Look for carp below the surface
If there are no visible signs of carp, you need to know where the carp like to stay. There is one principle: the carp tend to stay where there is food and where it is easy to hide themselves.
a) Depth
Do carp like to stay in shallow or deep water? Well, that depends. Here is the general rule: shallow at night and in the morning, deeper in the middle of the day during summer. In the winter, they will stay deeper in the water. Carp like warm water, so that can be a rough guide; try to fish shallow water during the warmer months and deep areas throughout the winter.
b) Wind
Carp swim in the direction of the wind.
c) Protection
Carp tend to find places where they can hide themselves. You can look at banks of the islands, weed beds, lily pads, overhanging trees, and snags. It is also easy for carp to find food in these areas. If you can find a weed bed in the direction of the wind, the best choice is to cast the hook bait there.